


4. October 2011 – 29. October 2011

Joerg Burger (AT), H. H. Capor (AT), Georg Dauth (AT), Mischa Erben (AT), Andreas Eli (DE), Klaus Fritsch (DE), Susanne Gamauf (AT), Bettina Kattinger (AT), Brigitte Konyen (AT), Martina Kudlacek (AT), Anja Manfredi (AT), Hans Mayr (AT), Elfriede Mejchar (AT), Michael Michlmayr (AT), Ines Nikolavcic (AT), Klaus Pamminger (AT), Walter Mirtl (AT), Michaela Moscouw (AT), Wolfgang Raffesberg (AT), Judith Pichlmüller (AT), Simona Reisch (AT), Fiona Rukschcio (AT), Pierre Schrammel (AT), Elke Spiess (AT), Josef Wais (AT), Brigitte Woda-Stabl (AT), Maria Ziegelböck (AT)

Opening: Monday, 3 October 2011 at 7 pm

The FOTOGALE RIE WIEN is celebrating its 30th birthday this year with an anniversary exhibition and a diverse and exciting program.

The show has the quality of being somewhat like a Werkschau, presenting the numerous documents dug out from the archives of an eventful 30-year history, “treasures” that would otherwise remain buried will on this special occasion be exhibited and a cozy lounge area will be set up for the opportunity to browse through catalogues, BILDER booklets (Nr. 1–255), brochures, posters, photographs, articles from the press, and much much more. A video installation with photo and film documentation of past exhibitions and events allows us to recall the past.

On the other hand, all former and current members of the collective will be represented in a visual form with the presentation of their photo and video works. This part of the show also has more of an installationlike, rather than exhibition-like character. The primary goal is to make visible the diverse artistic approaches, the pluralism that was and still is such an important part of the open-mindedness of the gallery. And of course, it serves as reminder to the fact that the Fotogalerie Wien would not have been established or have been able to continue and become what it is today without the engagement and initiative of all the many former and current colleagues.

To mark the celebration of our 30th birthday, we have published a special anniversary issue of our Bilder booklet: a gift to all our visitors, friends, as well as to ourselves. The publication includes the representation of all members of the collective in word and in image, 30 statements for the 30th birthday from photo artists and experts, as well as a
timeline and documenation of the 30 years of gallery activities.
