Submission Procedure

Options for submissions for the year 2025:
Submissions per post, per e-mail, or in person (during the gallery’s opening hours) are possible at anytime.

The annual program for 2024 is already fixed.

Submission deadline: for the year 2025: fall 2024

Preparation of the annual program 2025 by the curatorial team of FOTOGALERIE WIEN in fall 2024. Every artist will be informed by e-mail about the team’s decision.


Scope and Content:
Please include your contact information: name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Along with your résumé (education and artistic activities to date), the submission should contain text(s) explaining the artworks, and/or an artist statement (if possible in German, otherwise in English).

The portfolio (if in print, not larger than A4 in size; no originals; as a CD; or in the case of video artworks, on DVD) should be a documentation of your work to date or include several current works or series of works.

If possible, include views of artworks in an exhibition or installation. State technical information such as size, material, date of production, etc. Catalogs may also be enclosed.
In case a homepage is available: please list the website address.

Returning submitted material:
Submissions received will not be returned per post, unless return postage or a self-addressed and stamped envelope is included.
Submitted material may however be picked up in person at the FOTOGALERIE WIEN. All submitted material will be kept for 6 months, from the date of the message informing artists to collect their submissions.

E-Mail submission
For submissions per e-mail, the above mentioned criteria concerning scope and content are valid. Please send your résumé and text(s) as pdf or Word Document files, and your images as pdf or jpg (max. size 1200 pixels).

Personal submission
Submissions may also be dropped off in person during gallery opening hours (but preferably by appointment).

In addition to the possibility of bringing printed portfolios and catalogs in appropriate numbers, as well as CDs or DVDs, originals may also be shown.

Otherwise, the conditions set out under “Postal Submission” regarding content, technical data and contact details apply.